Sunday, October 08, 2006

An Bord Pleanála....can they make up their own minds??

An Bord Pleanála

Inspector’s Report


Two storey detached house on site to side of
126 Rowanbryn,
Co. Dublin


Planning Authority: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

Planning Authority Reg. No: D04A/0651

Applicant: Helen Coughlan

Application Type: Permission

............It is also stated policy to:-

“Conserve the existing housing stock of the county, to densify existing built up areas and to retain and improve residential amenities in existing residential developments” (para 5.1.5 – policy RES5).........................

............In terms of the Roads Objectives, the Plan states the following in relation to the Monkstown Ring Road:-

“It is a Council objective to complete the strategic orbital route known as the Monkstown Ring road to link Dun Laoghaire with the west of the County. The route will follow York Road, Mounttown Upper, Monkstown Avenue, to Brookville Park, and then to Carysfort Avenue via Yankee Terrace and Fleurville. The proposed design shall seek to retain Yankee Terrace.”

The Scheme is included in the list of Six Year Roads Objectives. The Plan cautions that the schemes are “dependent on the necessary finance being available”.

[I am enclosing, in the Appendix at the end of this report, extracts from the written Statement of the Plan, highlighted where relevant to the issues in this appeal, together with a copy of an extract from the Development Plan map.].........................

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