Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Green Party strongly opposes MRR

An Bord Pleanala has approved the proposed Monsktown Ringroad.

The Green Party strongly opposes this decision as we believe that the plan is extremely flawed.

I feel that the road would be inappropriate and would attract large volumes of traffic on to residential roads.

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council are currently preparing a new local area plan for Stillorgan, and the central objective of this is to reduce the volume of through traffic in the centre of the village.
The building of this road will do nothing but hinder this central objective.

I believe that the County Council should consider the negative comments from the An Bord Pleanal Inspector, who said that the road was an inappropriate form of development, which would have adverse effect on the environment and people and would not offer any significant benefit to the community.

In this regard Green Party councillors are seeking to have the road removed from the County Development Plan.

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